• Raising A Reader 2022-2023

    Posted by Ramona Rodriguez on 9/26/2022


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  • Breakfast with my Parent 2022-2023

    Posted by Ramona Rodriguez on 9/6/2022


    2nd Grade_




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  • Parent Talk Featuring Carla Diaz-Garcia's PTA President

    Posted by Ramona Rodriguez on 11/18/2020
    A workshop explaining what Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is, the research supporting it's effectiveness and the steps parents need to implement a plan at home with their student(s). Featuring Carla Diaz, Assistant Behavior Analyst and your Garcia PTA President. 

    Below is the content presentation.
    If you have any questions please contact our PTA President Carla Diaz


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  • The Google Classroom for Parents - Google Classroom Para los Padres

    Posted by Ramona Rodriguez on 10/3/2020

    The Google Classroom for Parents - Google Classroom Para los Padres

    View the presentation here

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  • How Working/Non-working Parents Can Support Students in Distance Learning

    Posted by Ramona Rodriguez on 9/30/2020

    Cómo los padres que trabajan o estan en casa pueden apoyar a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje a distancia

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