• Curls, Coils & Crowns enriches the lives of young melanated girls while focusing on self-love, self-image and self-efficacy.

    Curls, Coils & Crowns is a social-emotional learning S.E.L. program for young African American female students. Join our 16-week sessions every Friday, starting,November 18,2022 at 1:05 pm  This is only for 1st-5th grade AA female students.


  • Curls, Coils, and Crowns-Sankofa Crowning Ceremony

    On Thursday, May 4 our Garcia Curls, Coils, & Crowns participants were crowned during the Sankofa Ceremony. Each of these young ladies completed the 16 week Curls, Coils, and Crowns program. Congratulations to each of these beautiful young ladies! We are all so proud of you!